Changelog ========= DecoTengu 0.14.1 ---------------- - carefully account for floating point inaccuracy when calculating ascent and first decompression stop DecoTengu 0.14.0 ---------------- - fixed first stop decompression algorithm to not ignore ascent target DecoTengu 0.13.0 ---------------- - change algorithm calculating length of decompression stop to check ascent ceiling limit without ascending to next decompression stop; this makes total decompression time of a dive longer by about 1 minute, but takes the same approach towards close ascent ceiling limit as in case of default first decompression stop search; it also boosts performance of the algorithm DecoTengu 0.12.0 ---------------- - first decompression stop validator improvements DecoTengu 0.11.0 ---------------- - use exponential function group homomorphism ``exp(x + y) = exp(x) * exp(y)`` to reimplement tabular calculator - above forced redesign of decompression model code with API changes - ``TissueCalculator`` class is removed - ``eq_schreiner`` function is removed - ``TabTissueCalculator`` class is replaced with ``TabExp`` class and all other classes and functions related to tabular calculations are removed including tabular first decompression stop finder - the overall redesign of decompression model and tabular calculations code - is much simpler with 10% lines of overall codebase removed - uses less memory for tabular calculations - boosts performance of basic decompression engine by 20% and tabular based decompression engine by almost 300% - changed all methods and functions to accept time in minutes instead of time in seconds DecoTengu 0.10.0 ---------------- - implemented new, faster and simpler algorithm finding first decompression stop - old algorithm finding first decompression stop, based on binary search, moved to decotengu.alt.bisect module as it still can be used for comparison purposes DecoTengu 0.9.0 --------------- - memory usage improvements - API change: decompression table is ``Engine.deco_table`` attribute instead of being a coroutine DecoTengu 0.8.0 --------------- - implemented tabular tissue saturation calculator to allow decompression calculations without exponential function - implemented naive algorithm calculating length of decompression stop using 1 minute interval; to be used for comparison purposes only - implemented initial support for calculations with decimal data type - various performance improvements DecoTengu 0.7.0 --------------- - added documentation section about algorithms related to dive ascent - various bug fixes DecoTengu 0.6.0 --------------- - dive time changed to be dive bottom time (includes descent time) - allow to configure last decompression stop at 6m - various bug fixes - API changes - added new dive phase ``GAS_MIX`` to allow identify gas mix switch easily - ``DECOSTEP`` dive phase renamed to ``DECO_STEP`` - ``ZH_L16_GF.pressure_limit`` renamed to ``ZH_L16_GF.ceiling_limit`` - internal API changes - ``Engine._inv_ascent`` renamed to ``Engine._inv_limit`` - ``Engine._inv_deco_stop`` accepts ``time`` parameter to enable last decompression stop at 6m - ``Engine._deco_ascent`` replaced with ``Engine._deco_stop``, the latter method does not perform any ascent anymore, just calculates decompression stop DecoTengu 0.5.0 --------------- - check if dive is NDL dive before starting dive ascent - `dt-plot` script reimplemented to use R core plotting functions (ggplot2 no longer required) - added legend to plots created by `dt-plot` script - added documentation section about comparing dive decompression data with `dt-plot` script DecoTengu 0.4.0 --------------- - trimix support implemented - travel gas mixes can be added to gas mix list - added Buhlmann equation description to the documentation DecoTengu 0.3.0 --------------- - all calculations are performed using pressure instead of depth - implemented deco model validator to check if first decompression stop is at ascent ceiling DecoTengu 0.2.0 --------------- - gas mix switch is performed in more controlled manner - API has changed as conveyor functionality is removed from decompression engine class; instead, conveyor objects can be used to expand dive profile dive steps by replacing Engine.calculate method - added more detailed Schreiner equation description DecoTengu 0.1.0 --------------- - initial release .. vim: sw=4:et:ai