Use Cases

Manage Dive Computer Data

Dive Computer Backup

Pre: dive computer is correctly connected

Input: dive computer, backup file name





Dive Computer

Start backup.

Verify input parameters.

Identify dive computer and find appropriate driver.

Request raw data.

Send raw data.

Convert raw data to dive data.

Create backup file.

Store raw data, dive data and dive computer information into new backup file.

Reorder dives.

Save new backup file.

Dive Computer Backup Reprocess

Pre: backup file exists

Input: new backup file name





Start backup reprocess.

Verify input parameters.

Lookup dive computer original data.

Identify dive computer and find dive computer driver.

Convert raw data to dive data.

Create backup file.

Store raw data, dive data and dive computer information into new backup file.

Reorder dives.

Save new backup file.

Convert Raw Dive Computer Data

Pre: file with raw dive computer data exists

Input: driver name, raw dive computer data, new backup file name





Start conversion.

Verify input parameters.

Read raw data. data.

Identify dive computer and find dive computer driver.

Convert raw data to dive data.

Create backup file.

Store raw data, dive data and dive computer information into new backup file.

Reorder dives.

Save new backup file.

Analyze Data

User Story: Data Analysis

Pre: files with dive data exist and dives to analyze exist

Input: script, script arguments, names of files with dive data, dives to analyze

Kenzooid integrates with R statistical package (analytics software) for dive data analysis, therefore a “script” is R script.

A script can be provided by Kenozooid team and distributed with Kenozooid or written by an analyst or other 3rd party. Locating is finding script within Kenozooid directory structure (created due to installation) or loading it using path specified by analyst.

It is up to the R script to present results of data analysis.




Analytics software

Start data analysis.

Verify input parameters.

Locate script.

Load dive data into R space.

Load script into R space.

Pass script arguments to R script.

Start R script execution.

Execute R script.

Plot Dive Data

User Story: Plot Dive Profile Details, Compare Dive Profiles

Pre: input files exist

Input: input file names, dives to plot, output file name

Output: dive data graphs

The use case reuses Analyze Data use case. Appropriate R script is used for different types of plots described by user stories.

The extension of output file name defines the format of the output file.

Dive Planning


User Story: Simple Calculation

Input: calculator name, calculator parameters

Output: calculator’s output

The diver uses a calculator for dive planning. There are several calculators

  • pp_o2

  • pp_n2

  • ead

  • mod

  • rmv

Each calculator has parameters (for example depth or gas mix), which has to be provided by the diver.




Start calculation.

Verify input parameters.

Find calculator function.


Output result of the calculation.

Decompression Dive Planning

User Story: Decompression Dive

Input: gas mix list, maximum dive depth, bottom time, dive plan parameters

Output: dive plan




Plan deco dive

Verify and parse input parameters.

Prepare dive profile and emergency dive profiles.

For each dive profile

  • prepare summary

  • calculate gas mix requirements

  • create dive slate

Send dive plan for rendering.

Render dive plan.

Display dive plan.

Manage Logbook

Add Dive

Input: dive data, logbook file name, optional dive data

Output: dive in logbook file

Dive data is

  • date

  • maximum depth

  • duration

Optional dive data is

  • time of dive

  • minimum temperature

  • buddy

  • dive site




Add dive.

Verify input parameters.

Open logbook file (create if necessary).

Insert dive data and optional dive data into logbook file.

Reorder dives.

Save logbook file.

Copy Dives

Pre: input files exist

Input: input file names, dives to copy, logbook file name

Output: dives in logbook file

Dive data is copied from input files to logbook file.

The dive data contains links to additional data like gas information, used equipment, dive buddies data or dive site information.

The additional linked data, if does not exist, has to be copied into logbook file as well

  • gas information

  • (more in the future)


  1. If no dives copied, then do not save logbook file.




Copy dives.

Verify input parameters.

Open logbook file (create if necessary).

Find and copy gases used by dives.

Find and copy dives.

Reorder dives.

Save logbook file.

Upgrade File Format Version

Pre: input file exists and is valid file for previous version of file format

Post: input file is valid file for new version of file format

Input: list of input files with dive data

The use case is about upgrading UDDF files to new version of the standard.

Upgrade path is determined as follows

  • determine current version of input file

  • find all next versions from current version till new version of file format

This way, multiple file format versions updating can be supported.




Start upgrading.

Verify input parameters.

Find upgrade path.

Upgrade file.

Save file.

Enumerate Dives

Pre: input files exist

Input: list of input files with dive data

Dives are enumerated in the input files. The dives and files might be unordered, but order of dives having the same date and time has to be respected, so use stable sort.




Enumerate dives.

Verify input parameters.

Sort all dives from all files and and assign total and day dive numbers.

Assign total and day dive number to each dive.

Save files.