Frequently Asked QuestionsΒΆ

Why project name is libdeco-ostc?

The name is derived from OSTC dive computer, which is the first Open Source dive computer ever built.

What are libdeco-ostc, libdeco and DecoMecha?

  • libdeco-ostc is project name
  • libdeco is C library, part of the project
  • DecoMecha is Python library, part of the project

Why libdeco and DecoMecha are developed together (part of one repository, tarball)?

The reson for libdeco and DecoMecha being developed as part of one project is that DecoMecha serves very well as part of testing infrastructure for libdeco.

The libdeco-ostc gives different decompression stop times comparing to OSTC or OSTC Planner, why?

Decompression stop time depends on several factors

  • surface pressure
  • OSTC CF16 value (libdeco-ostc uses 0)
  • OSTC CF55 value (libdeco-ostc uses 0)
  • Gradient Factors configuration

Why there is no dive planning functionality, i.e. gas planning, CNS calculation?

Dive planning brings additional use cases and complexity. Let’s try to keep software projects simple. Build dive planning software (applications or libraries) on top of libdeco-ostc project.