Package kenozooid :: Module plot

Source Code for Module kenozooid.plot

  1  # Kenozooid - dive planning and analysis toolbox. 
  2  # 
  3  # Copyright (C) 2009-2019 by Artur Wroblewski <> 
  4  # 
  5  # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 
  6  # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 
  7  # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 
  8  # (at your option) any later version. 
  9  # 
 10  # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
 11  # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
 13  # GNU General Public License for more details. 
 14  # 
 15  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
 16  # along with this program.  If not, see <>. 
 17  # 
 19  """ 
 20  Routines for dive profile data plotting. 
 22  The R scripts are used for plotting, see stats/pplot-*.R files. 
 24  Before R script execution, the kz.dives.ui data frame is injected into R 
 25  space to have preformatted dive data like dive title, dive legend label or 
 26  dive information ready for a dive graph (and formatted with Python as it is 
 27  more convenient). 
 28  """ 
 30  import itertools 
 31  from itertools import zip_longest as lzip 
 32  import logging 
 34  import rpy2.robjects as ro 
 35  R = ro.r 
 37  from kenozooid.util import min2str, FMT_DIVETIME 
 38  from kenozooid.units import K2C 
 39  import kenozooid.analyze as ka 
 40  import kenozooid.rglue as kr 
 42  log = logging.getLogger('kenozooid.plot') 
44 -def _inject_dives_ui(dives, title, info, temp, avg_depth, 45 legend, labels):
46 47 """ 48 Inject ``kz.dives.ui`` data frame into R global space. 49 50 The data frame has the following columns 51 52 info 53 Dive information string with dive duration, maximum depth and 54 dive temperature. 55 title 56 Dive title. 57 avg_depth 58 Dive average depth label. 59 label 60 Dive label put on legend. 61 62 See ``plot`` for parameters description. 63 """ 64 labels = [] if labels is None else labels 65 66 # dive title formatter 67 tfmt = lambda d, l: '{}'.format(d.datetime) 68 69 # dive info formatter 70 _ifmt = '{:.1f}m \u00b7 {}min \u00b7 {:.1f}\u00b0C'.format 71 ifmt = lambda d, l: _ifmt(d.depth, min2str(d.duration / 60.0), K2C(d.temp)) 72 73 # average depth formatter 74 dfmt = lambda d, l: None if d.avg_depth is None \ 75 else '{:.1f}m'.format(d.avg_depth) 76 77 # label formatter 78 lfmt = lambda d, l: l if l else tfmt(d) 79 80 cols = [] 81 fmts = [] 82 if title: 83 cols.append('title') 84 fmts.append(tfmt) 85 if info: 86 cols.append('info') 87 fmts.append(ifmt) 88 if avg_depth: 89 cols.append('avg_depth') 90 fmts.append(dfmt) 91 if legend: 92 cols.append('label') 93 fmts.append(lfmt) 94 vt = (ro.StrVector, ) * len(cols) 95 data = (tuple(f(d, l) for f in fmts) for d, l in lzip(dives, labels)) 96 ui_df = kr.df(cols, vt, data) 97 98 ro.globalenv['kz.dives.ui'] = ui_df
99 100
101 -def plot(dives, fout, ptype='details', title=False, info=False, temp=False, 102 avg_depth=False, mod=False, sig=True, legend=False, labels=None, 103 format='pdf'):
104 """ 105 Plot graphs of dive profiles. 106 107 :Parameters: 108 dives 109 Dives to be plotted. 110 fout 111 Name of output file. 112 ptype 113 Plot type converted to R script name ``stats/pplot-*.R``. 114 title 115 Set plot title. 116 info 117 Display dive information (time, depth, temperature). 118 temp 119 Plot temperature graph. 120 avg_depth 121 Plot dive average depth. 122 mod 123 Plot MOD of current gas. 124 sig 125 Display Kenozooid signature. 126 legend 127 Display graph legend. 128 labels 129 Alternative legend labels. 130 format 131 Format of output file (i.e. pdf, png, svg). 132 """ 133 dives, dt = itertools.tee(dives, 2) 134 _inject_dives_ui(dt, title=title, info=info, temp=temp, 135 avg_depth=avg_depth, legend=legend, labels=labels) 136 137 v = lambda s, t: '--{}'.format(s) if t else '--no-{}' 138 args = (fout, format, v('sig', sig), v('mod', mod)) 139 ka.analyze('pplot-{}.R'.format(ptype), args, dives)
140 141 142 # vim: sw=4:et:ai 143