Package kenozooid :: Module plot

Module plot

source code

Routines for dive profile data plotting.

The R scripts are used for plotting, see stats/pplot-*.R files.

Before R script execution, the kz.dives.ui data frame is injected into R space to have preformatted dive data like dive title, dive legend label or dive information ready for a dive graph (and formatted with Python as it is more convenient).

plot(dives, fout, ptype='details', title=False, info=False, temp=False, avg_depth=False, mod=False, sig=True, legend=False, labels=None, format='pdf')
Plot graphs of dive profiles.
source code
  R = ro.r
  log = logging.getLogger('kenozooid.plot')
Function Details

plot(dives, fout, ptype='details', title=False, info=False, temp=False, avg_depth=False, mod=False, sig=True, legend=False, labels=None, format='pdf')

source code 
Plot graphs of dive profiles.
  • dives - Dives to be plotted.
  • fout - Name of output file.
  • ptype - Plot type converted to R script name stats/pplot-*.R.
  • title - Set plot title.
  • info - Display dive information (time, depth, temperature).
  • temp - Plot temperature graph.
  • avg_depth - Plot dive average depth.
  • mod - Plot MOD of current gas.
  • sig - Display Kenozooid signature.
  • legend - Display graph legend.
  • labels - Alternative legend labels.
  • format - Format of output file (i.e. pdf, png, svg).