User Interface

The Kenozooid functionality is accessed with command line user interface. While it is powerful for some, it might be scary for others. Kenozooid authors try to alleviate this fear by making the user interface as consistent as possible. The description of its basics and principles can be found in following paragraphs.

The kz script is used to execute Kenozooid commands, i.e. backup, plot, dive list or buddy add (some commands consist of two words separated by space).

Start by typing kz to get brief list of commands:

$ kz
usage: kz [-h] [-v]
          {analyze,backup,buddy,calc,convert,dive,drivers,plot,sim,site} ...
kz: error: too few arguments

To get brief list of dive data related commands simply type:

$ kz dive
usage: kz dive [-h] {add,extract,list} ...
kz dive: error: too few arguments

Use -h option to get more detailed overview of commands:

$ kz dive -h
usage: kz dive [-h] {add,extract,list} ...

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit

Kenozooid dive management commands:
    add               add dive to UDDF file
    extract           extract dives from dive computer backup
    list              list dives stored in UDDF file

Common Options

Kenozooid kz script has set of common options supported by each command

-h, –help

Print command detailed overview.

-v, –verbose

Print debugging information. The information should be sent to Kenozooid authors when reporting problems.