Source code for

# GeoTiler - library to create maps using tiles from a map provider
# Copyright (C) 2014 - 2024 by Artur Wroblewski <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# This file incorporates work covered by the following copyright and
# permission notice (restored, based on file from
#   Copyright (C) 2007-2013 by Michal Migurski and other contributors
#   License: BSD

GeoTiler map functionality.

import asyncio
import itertools
import math
import numbers
import logging
import typing as tp
from collections import namedtuple

from .provider import DEFAULT_PROVIDER, find_provider, MapProvider
from .geo import zoom_to
from import fetch_tiles as _fetch_tiles
from .tile.img import render_image
from .util import div_ceil

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


Tile = namedtuple('Tile', ['url', 'offset', 'img', 'error'])
Tile.__doc__ = """
Map tile.

If a tile download succeeded, then `Tile.img` contain map tile image data.
Otherwise, it is set to null and `Tile.error` is set to tile download

:var url: Tile URL.
:var offset: Tile offest in a map image.
:var img: Tile image data.
:var error: Tile error information.

[docs] class Map: """ Map created from tiles and to be drawn as an image. The extent, zoom, center and image size can be changed at any time with appropriate properties. :var provider: Map tiles provider identificator (default `osm`) or object. :var _zoom: Map zoom attribute accessed via `zoom` property. :var _size: Map image size accessed via `size` property. :var origin: Tile coordinates at map zoom level of base tile. :var offset: Position of base tile relative to map center. """
[docs] def __init__( self, extent=None, center=None, zoom=None, size=None, provider: tp.Union[str, MapProvider]=DEFAULT_PROVIDER ) -> None: """ Create map. One of the following parameters combination is required - center, zoom and size - extent and size - extent and zoom If none of above parameters combination is provided, then `ValueError` exception is raised. :param extent: Map geographical extent. :param center: Map geographical center. :param zoom: Map zoom. :param size: Map image size. :param provider: Map tiles provider. """ super().__init__() self._check_size(size) if isinstance(provider, MapProvider): self.provider = provider else: self.provider = find_provider(provider) self.origin = None self.offset = None self._zoom = zoom self._size = size if center is not None and extent is not None: raise ValueError( 'Bad map coverage, center and extent can\'t both be set' ) elif extent is not None and size is not None and zoom is not None: raise ValueError( 'Bad map coverage, size and zoom can\'t be set together' \ ' with extent' ) elif center is not None and zoom is not None and size is not None: self._change_center_zoom(center, zoom) elif extent is not None and size is not None: self._change_extent_and_zoom(extent) elif extent is not None and zoom is not None: self.extent = extent else: raise ValueError( 'Unknown combination of extent, center, zoom and size' \ ' parameters' ) assert self._zoom is not None assert self._size is not None assert self.origin is not None assert self.offset is not None if __debug__: logger.debug( 'extent={map.extent}, center={}, zoom={map.zoom},' ' size={map.size}, origin={map.origin}, offset={map.offset}' .format(map=self) )
@property def extent(self): """ Calculate map geographical extent. It is a tuple of 2 coordinates (longitude and latitude) - lower-bottom corner of the map - right-top corner of the map Setting map extent changes map image size. """ w, h = self._size p1 = self.geocode((0, h)) p2 = self.geocode((w, 0)) return p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1] @extent.setter def extent(self, extent): p1 = extent[:2] p2 = extent[2:] projection = self.provider.projection c1 = projection.rev_geocode(p1) c1 = zoom_to(c1, projection.zoom, self._zoom) c2 = projection.rev_geocode(p2) c2 = zoom_to(c2, projection.zoom, self._zoom) width = abs(c1[0] - c2[0]) * self.provider.tile_width height = abs(c1[1] - c2[1]) * self.provider.tile_height col = (c1[0] + c2[0]) / 2 row = (c1[1] + c2[1]) / 2 map_origin, map_offset = calculateMapCenter(self.provider, (col, row)) self.origin = map_origin self.offset = map_offset self._size = int(width), int(height) @property def center(self): """ Calculate map geographical center. It is a tuple of two values - longitude and latitude. Setting map geographical center affects map geographical extent. """ w, h = self._size return self.geocode((w / 2, h / 2)) @center.setter def center(self, center): projection = self.provider.projection c = projection.rev_geocode(center) c = zoom_to(c, projection.zoom, self._zoom) map_origin, map_offset = calculateMapCenter(self.provider, c) self.origin = map_origin self.offset = map_offset @property def zoom(self): """ Map zoom value. Setting map value does *not* affect any other map properties like extent, center or image size. """ return self._zoom @zoom.setter def zoom(self, zoom): self._change_center_zoom(, zoom) @property def size(self): """ Size of the image containing map. It is a sequence of two integer values - width and height of the image. Setting size of the image affects map geographical extent. """ return self._size @size.setter def size(self, size): self._check_size(size) self._size = size def _check_size(self, size): """ Check if `size` parameter has correct type. """ valid = size is None \ or len(size) == 2 \ and all(isinstance(v, numbers.Integral) for v in tuple(size)) if not valid: raise TypeError('Size should be sequence of two integer values') def _change_center_zoom(self, center, zoom): """ Recalculate map to have new geographical center and update zoom value. :param center: Map geographical center. :param zoom: Map zoom value. """ projection = self.provider.projection c = projection.rev_geocode(center) c = zoom_to(c, projection.zoom, zoom) map_origin, map_offset = calculateMapCenter(self.provider, c) self.origin = map_origin self.offset = map_offset self._zoom = zoom def _change_extent_and_zoom(self, extent): """ Recalculate map to have new geographical extent and calculate map zoom. :param extent: Map geographical extent. """ width, height = self._size p1 = extent[:2] p2 = extent[2:] map_origin, map_offset, zoom = calculateMapExtent(self.provider, width, height, p1, p2) self.origin = map_origin self.offset = map_offset self._zoom = zoom
[docs] def __str__(self): return 'Map({provider}, {_size}, {origin}, {offset})'.format(**self.__dict__)
[docs] def rev_geocode(self, location): """ Reverse geocode geographical location. The method calculates location position (x, y) on map image. :param location: Geographical location (longitude, latitude). """ ox, oy = self.offset projection = self.provider.projection coord = projection.rev_geocode(location) coord = zoom_to(coord, projection.zoom, self._zoom) # distance from the known coordinate offset x = ox + self.provider.tile_width * (coord[0] - self.origin[0]) y = oy + self.provider.tile_height * (coord[1] - self.origin[1]) # because of the center/corner business w, h = self.size return x + w / 2, y + h / 2
[docs] def geocode(self, point): """ Geocode map image point. The method calculates geographical location (longitude, latitude) of image point. :param point: Image map point (x, y). """ max_zoom = MAX_ZOOM max_coord = zoom_to(self.origin, self._zoom, max_zoom) w, h = self._size # because of the center/corner business x, y = point[0] - w / 2, point[1] - h / 2 # distance in tile widths from reference tile to point xtiles = (x - self.offset[0]) / self.provider.tile_width ytiles = (y - self.offset[1]) / self.provider.tile_height # distance in rows & columns at maximum zoom xDistance = xtiles * math.pow(2, (MAX_ZOOM - self._zoom)) yDistance = ytiles * math.pow(2, (MAX_ZOOM - self._zoom)) # new point coordinate reflecting that distance x = max_coord[0] + xDistance y = max_coord[1] + yDistance coord = zoom_to((x, y), max_zoom, self._zoom) projection = self.provider.projection location = projection.geocode(coord, self._zoom) return location
[docs] def render_map(map, tiles=None, downloader=None, **kw): """ Download map tiles and render map image. If tiles are specified, then the provided tiles are used to render map. Otherwise, map tiles are downloaded from map provider. If `downloader` is null, then default map tiles downloader is used (:py:func:``). The function returns an image (instance of `PIL.Image` class). :param map: Map instance. :param tiles: Optional map tiles. :param downloader: Map tiles downloader. :param kw: Parameters passed to the downloader. """ task = render_map_async(map, downloader=downloader, **kw) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() return loop.run_until_complete(task)
[docs] async def render_map_async(map, tiles=None, downloader=None, **kw): """ Asyncio coroutine to download map tiles asynchronously and render map image. If tiles are specified, then the provided tiles are used to render map. Otherwise, map tiles are downloaded from map provider. If `downloader` is null, then default map tiles downloader is used (:py:func:``). The function returns an image (instance of `PIL.Image` class). :param map: Map instance. :param tiles: Optional map tiles. :param downloader: Map tiles downloader. :param kw: Parameters passed to the downloader. """ if not tiles: tiles = fetch_tiles(map, downloader, **kw) tiles = (t async for t in tiles) return await render_image(map, tiles)
[docs] def fetch_tiles(map, downloader=None, **kw): """ Create and fetch map tiles. Asynchronous generator of map tiles is returned. :param map: Map instance. :param downloader: Map tiles downloader. :param kw: Parameters passed to the downloader. """ if downloader is None: downloader = _fetch_tiles tile_url = map.provider.tile_url coord, offset = _find_top_left_tile(map) coords = _tile_coords(map, coord, offset) offsets = _tile_offsets(map, offset) urls = (tile_url(c, map.zoom) for c in coords) tiles = (Tile(u, o, None, None) for u, o in zip(urls, offsets)) return downloader(tiles, map.provider.limit, **kw)
def _tile_coords(map, coord, offset): """ Create grid of coordinates of map tiles. :param map: Geotiler map instance. :param coord: Coordinate of top-left tile. :param offset: Map image offset of top-left tile. """ w, h = map.size n = div_ceil(w - offset[0], map.provider.tile_width) m = div_ceil(h - offset[1], map.provider.tile_height) cols = range(coord[0], coord[0] + n) rows = range(coord[1], coord[1] + m) return itertools.product(cols, rows) def _tile_offsets(map, offset): """ Create grid of offsets of map tiles. :param map: Geotiler map instance. :param offset: Map image offset of top-left tile. """ w, h = map.size cols = range(offset[0], w, map.provider.tile_width) rows = range(offset[1], h, map.provider.tile_height) return itertools.product(cols, rows) def _find_top_left_tile(map): """ Calculate the tile coordinate and its position relative to top-left offset of the map image. :param map: Map instance. """ origin = map.origin w, h = map.size tw = map.provider.tile_width th = map.provider.tile_height px = map.offset[0] + w // 2 py = map.offset[1] + h // 2 dx = px // tw + (px % tw > 0) dy = py // th + (py % th > 0) px -= dx * tw py -= dy * th offset = px, py coord = origin[0] - dx, origin[1] - dy # if offset position not in ((-tw, -th), (0, 0)], then map image does # not contain the map properly assert -tw < offset[0] <= 0 and -th < offset[1] <= 0, offset return coord, offset def calculateMapCenter(provider, tile_coord): """ Based on a provider and center coordinate, returns the coordinate of an initial tile and its point placement, relative to the map center. """ # initial tile coordinate initTileCoord = math.floor(tile_coord[0]), math.floor(tile_coord[1]) # initial tile position, assuming centered tile well in grid initX = (initTileCoord[0] - tile_coord[0]) * provider.tile_width initY = (initTileCoord[1] - tile_coord[1]) * provider.tile_height initPoint = round(initX), round(initY) return initTileCoord, initPoint def calculateMapExtent(provider, width, height, *args): """ Based on a provider, width & height values, and a list of locations, returns the coordinate of an initial tile and its point placement, relative to the map center. """ projection = provider.projection coordinates = [projection.rev_geocode(p) for p in args] TL = min(c[0] for c in coordinates), min(c[1] for c in coordinates) BR = max(c[0] for c in coordinates), max(c[1] for c in coordinates) # multiplication factor between horizontal span and map width hFactor = (BR[0] - TL[0]) / (width / provider.tile_width) # multiplication factor expressed as base-2 logarithm, for zoom difference hZoomDiff = math.log(hFactor) / math.log(2) # possible horizontal zoom to fit geographical extent in map width hPossibleZoom = projection.zoom - math.ceil(hZoomDiff) # multiplication factor between vertical span and map height vFactor = (BR[1] - TL[1]) / (height / provider.tile_height) # multiplication factor expressed as base-2 logarithm, for zoom difference vZoomDiff = math.log(vFactor) / math.log(2) # possible vertical zoom to fit geographical extent in map height vPossibleZoom = projection.zoom - math.ceil(vZoomDiff) # initial zoom to fit extent vertically and horizontally initZoom = min(hPossibleZoom, vPossibleZoom) ## additionally, make sure it's not outside the boundaries set by provider limits #initZoom = min(initZoom, provider.outerLimits()[1].zoom) #initZoom = max(initZoom, provider.outerLimits()[0].zoom) # coordinate of extent center centerColumn = (TL[0] + BR[0]) / 2 centerRow = (TL[1] + BR[1]) / 2 centerZoom = projection.zoom coord = zoom_to((centerColumn, centerRow), centerZoom, initZoom) origin, offset = calculateMapCenter(provider, coord) return origin, offset, initZoom # vim: sw=4:et:ai