
Core Calculations

The central class of DecoTengu library design is DecoTengu engine class Engine. It is used to start calculations and is responsible to pass data between various classes of the library.

The decotengu.model.ZH_L16_GF abstract class implements Buhlmann decompression model with gradient factors by Erik Baker (ZH-L16-GF). It receives pressure of depth and time information to calculate tissues gas loading and is used by DecoTengu engine to calculate ascent ceiling limits. When instance of decotengu.model.ZH_L16_GF class is created, then values of gas decay constants \(k\) are calculated for each inert gas and tissue compartment and stored as n2_k_const and he_k_const attributes.

The decompression model calculates tissues gas loading with decotengu.model.ZH_L16_GF.load() method, which uses Schreiner equation (see also Equations).

The DecoTengu engine passes decompression stop depth and time to an instance of DecoTable class, which stores decompression stops information.

The attributes of core calculation classes usually keep various configuration aspects of DecoTengu library (i.e. ascent rate, surface pressure), but they never keep any state of calculation process. The state of calculations is carried by DecoTengu data model, see Data Model.

+----------------------------+             +--------------------------------+
|          Engine            |             |          <<abstract>>          |
+----------------------------+             |           ZH_L16_GF            |
| ascent_rate = 10           |      model  +--------------------------------+
| descent_rate = 20          |x----------->| N2_A                           |
| surface_pressure = 1.01325 |        [1]  | N2_B                           |
+----------------------------+             | HE_A                           |
| add_gas()                  |             | HE_B                           |
| calculate()                |             | N2_HALF_LIFE                   |
+----------------------------+             | HE_HALF_LIFE                   |
               x                           +--------------------------------+
               |                           | gf_low = 0.3                   |
               |                           | gf_high = 0.85                 |
               |                           | water_vapour_pressure = 0.0627 |
               |                           | n2_k_const                     |
               |                           | he_k_const                     |
           [1] | deco_table                +--------------------------------+
               v                           | init()                         |
   +---------------------+                 | load()                         |
   |   DecoTable::list   |                 | ceiling_limit()                |
   +---------------------+                 +--------------------------------+
   | total               |                         /_\            /_\
   +---------------------+                          |              |
   | append(depth, time) |                          |              |
   +---------------------+                 +------------+      +------------+
                                           | ZH_L16B_GF |      | ZH_L16C_GF |
                                           +------------+      +------------+

Data Model

The DecoTengu data model is responsible for keeping results of DecoTengu calculations.

The DecoTengu engine class creates dive steps, instances of Step class, for example descent step or ascent step (see also Dive Phases). The dive steps provide information about time of a dive, absolute pressure of dive depth, gas mix used or decompression model data.

The decompression model data (Data class) is created by decompression model implementation and it carries information specific to that decompression model, i.e. pressure of inert gas in tissues or current gradient factor value in case of ZH-L16-GF decompression model.

The gas mix information is modeled as GasMix class and beside gas components percentage, which should sum to 100%, it has switch depth attribute to indicate the depth at which gas mix can be used.

The decompression stops information is stored by decompression table as list of DecoStop objects.

+---------------+           +------------+   <<use>>   +-----------+
|   ZH_L16_GF   |           |   Engine   |.-.-.-.-.-.->| DecoTable |
+---------------+           +------------+             +-----------+
        |                         |                         |
        .                         .                         .
        | <<create>>              | <<create>>              | <<create>>
        .                         .                         .
        |                         |                         |
        v                         v                         v
   +----------+  data      +--------------+            +----------+
   |   Data   |<----------x|     Step     |            | DecoStop |
   +----------+  [1]       +--------------+            +----------+
   | tissues  |            | phase: Phase |            | depth    |
   | gf       |            | abs_p        |            | time     |
   +-----------            | time         |            +----------+
                              [1] | gas
                              | GasMix |
                              | depth  |
                              | o2     |
                              | n2     |
                              | he     |

Dive Phases

A dive consists of various phases, i.e. ascent or descent. The dive phases in DecoTengu are modeled by Phase enumeration.

|       <<enum>>          |
|        Phase            |
| START = 'start'         |
| DESCENT = 'descent'     |
| CONST = 'const'         |
| ASCENT = 'ascent'       |
| DECO_STOP = 'deco_stop' |
| GAS_MIX = 'gas_mix'     |

Dive Profile Expansion

The Conveyor class is used to expand dive profile with additional dive steps calculated in specific time interval (time delta), i.e. to obtain decompression model calculation every minute or every second. The The Conveyor object is a callable, which replaces decompression engine calculate method.

+--------------+  engine               +--------------+
|              |<----------------------| <<callable>> |
|    Engine    |  [1]                  |   Conveyor   |
|              |                       +--------------+
+--------------+      <<replace>>      | time_delta   |
| calculate()<-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-| f_calc       |
+--------------+                       +--------------+

Tabular Calculator

The class implements tabular calculator. It precomputes exponential function values and stores them as _kt_exp dictionary. The class is a callable, which is used to override decotengu.model.ZH_L16_GF._exp() method.

+--------------------+                |   <<callable>>    |
|    <<abstract>>    |                |      TabExp       |
|     ZH_L16_GF      |                +-------------------+
+--------------------+  <<replace>>   | _kt_exp           |
| _exp(time, k)<.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-+-------------------+
+--------------------+                | __call__(time, k) |